Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system.It is the fifth from the sun.Jupiter rotates the fastest then any other planet.

Jupiter's colours are orange,yellow and red and it also has a black hole.

Jupiter is not solid,its mainly made of gases and it does not have a hard surface.Jupiter's rings are to thin to be seen.

Jupiter's great red spot that's actually a raging storm has been raging for over 300 years.The storm is enough to surround 3 planets the size of Earth.It is about 1000 times bigger then earth.Four of Jupiter's moons are called LO,EUROPA,CALLISTO and GANYMEDE.

Jupiter is a gas planet and it has a black hole witch is actually a raging storm.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Measurement Example

From measurement examples
I completed this sheet with my ruler I used my times tables and I needed to know my clock skills but it was so easy to figer out.

Art Painting

To make our face colour we used a pitchers and water paint and only
coloured our face.